
The hardest thing for the over-tired mother, the over-worried father, and the anxious grandparents to accept is that all babies cry. It always seems loudest at night. Normally, the baby’s cry will mean that he is hungry, soiled, too warm, too cold, that he wants his position changed, or that ne needs to be held and fondled. Fondling will not spoil the baby, for he requires affectionate handling as much as he does his food. After he has been fed, burped, diaper changed, held, rocked and tucked away, he will sometimes scream angrily, and with- out cause. This is quite common during the first weeks and, particularly, during the first few nights. Remember, new babies sleep less soundly than adults and squirm, grunt, grimace, strain and cry out during their sleep, and many have a crying time somewhere in the 24 hours usually between 7 and 11 p.m.

“Gas Pains”

Most babies have prolonged or frequent crying at times. When it becomes severe and prolonged, it is a source of family concern. The infant may appear to be in great pain. His face may become flushed, his abdomen distended, and his arms and legs drawn up against the rest of the body.

Many factors may be causative:
  1. Hunger
  2. Improper feeding techniques
  3. Nervous tension in the family
  4. Air swallowing
  5. Underfeeding or overfeeding
  6. Eating of spicy foods, chocolate, nuts, gas-forming vegetables or milk products by a nursing mother.
Some techniques may help:
  1. Air swallowing
  2. Underfeeding or overfeeding
  3. Eating of spicy foods, chocolate, nuts, gas-forming vegetables or milk products by a nursing mother
  4. Feed slowly (20-25 minutes).
  5. Check nipple holes to insure correct delivery of formula.
  6. Make sure you are diluting the formula properly.
  7. Burp frequently.
  8. Check the temperature of the formula.
  9. Prop infant up in an infant seat after feeding.
  10. Make sure your baby is getting enough to eat.
  11. Comfort the baby by walking or rocking. Don’t worry about spoiling the baby for the first three months.
  12. Lay the baby on his left side when putting him to bed. This will help him to finish burping any leftover air.
  13. Call one of us during office hours for advice if all else fails.